Terms & Conditions


Our hourly rate in MOST of our coverage area is typically £17.50 per hour  (No hidden extras) There is a min of 2 hrs per week..

Purrrfect Home Cleaning offers one of the most competitive and lowest rates available in all of the areas we cover.

The above hourly rates consist of both fees,our Retainer and the cleaner’s hourly rate.

The Retainer is paid quarterly by Standing Order to PHC and the cleaner’s hourly rate (which is the balance left over after deduction of our Retainer) is paid by the client (weekly) directly to the cleaner each time she visits the client’s home to carry out her agreed schedule of duties.



1.1 Purrrfect Home Cleaning (PHC) shall introduce a Self Employed Cleaner (SEC) to the Householder (HH) subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement (BA). Changes to the number of hours specified, shall affect the Retainer payable to PHC and are subject to a minimum rate.

1.2 The HH shall pay PHC the Retainer monthly in advance for the introduction of the SEC/s and on-going support during the BA.

1.3 This BA will be for a minimum initial period of 3 months as from the date of signature and shall continue thereafter on a quarterly basis.


2.1. The payment of 3 months Retainer is payable immediately on signature of the BA.

2.2 The HH shall sign the standing order mandate authorising payment of the Retainer, quarterly in advance. PHC shall not forward the standing order mandate to the HH’s bank until after an SEC has been retained by the HH.

2.3. The failure to pay any Retainer payment for more than one quarteror to advise changes to hours shall constitute a serious breach of this BA


3.1 The HH shall retain the SEC under a written “Contract for Services”. The HH shall agree the terms directly with the SEC.

3.2. The HH shall provide a safe working environment and shall have adequate insurance cover in place against liabilities to the SEC.


4.1 PHC shall introduce an SEC to the HH in accordance with Clause 1.1.

4.2 Where the HH is unhappy with the SEC introduced by PHC and/or notifies PHC that the SEC’s services are to cease permanently, PHC shall:

4.2.1 endeavour to introduce a replacement SEC to the HH; and

4.2.2 issue the HH with a refund or credit for any period that the HH is without an SEC following the HH’s notification.

4.3 In the event that a suitable replacement SEC cannot be introduced to the HH, then termination under Clauses 9.1 and/or 9.2 may apply.

4.4 In performing its obligations under this BA, CRU shall use its reasonable care and skill.


5.1. PHC shall provide Public Liability insurance of no less than 2,000,000 pounds in respect of each SEC introduced to the HH.

5.2. Neither PHC nor its insurers shall be liable for the first 100.00 of any claim or for any claim of 100.00 or less in value. However, where Clause 6.2 applies, PHC shall be liable for the first 100.00 of any claim.

5.3. The HH shall not be covered by PHCs insurance policy in the following circumstances:

5.3.1. where the Cleaner has not been subject to the PHC vetting programme;

5.3.2. where the materials or equipment used by the Cleaner are not provided directly by the HH;

5.3.3. where the terms of this Agreement are otherwise breached.

5.3.4 where products containing bleach have been made available to the SEC

5.3.5 All introduced Cleaners of PHC who are employed by a Customer will be covered primarily by the Customers own insurance policies first and as a contingency only, within the PHC Public Liability policy which has a limit of 2 million and includes damage or loss to the Customer on the express condition that the loss and/or damage is caused by the negligence of your Cleaner that was introduced by PHC.


6.1. PHC shall not be liable for:

6.1.1 any loss or damage in excess of the limit or the scope of its cover as described in Clause 5;

6.1.2 any losses incurred by the HH as a result of any failure of a retained SEC to comply with his/her contractual obligations under the Contract for Services for whatever reason;

6.1.3 failure of any retained SEC to return keys and any loss that may arise as a result;

6.1.4 collusion or theft of property or possessions by a retained SEC.

6.2. PHC shall be liable to the Householder:

6.2.1 where PHC has not fulfilled its obligations to perform with reasonable care and skill under this BA or has failed to perform its obligations at all or to any significant extent;

6.2.2 for death or personal injury caused by its negligence.

6.3. Nothing in this Agreement shall affect the statutory rights of the HH as a consumer.


7.1 PHC may terminate the Agreement at any time by giving not less than one calendar month notice in writing to the HH.

7.2. The HH may terminate the Agreement after an initial 3 month period by giving not less than one calendar month notice in writing to PHC.

7.3. If for whatever reason the initial payment has not been made to PHC at the time the HH serves notice of termination, the HH shall remain liable to make such payment to PHC.

7.4. Where the HH has committed a serious breach of the terms of the Agreement, PHCis entitled to terminate the Agreement immediately on written notice to the HH.

7.5. Where PHC has committed a serious breach of the terms of the Agreement, the HH is entitled to terminate the Agreement immediately on written notice to PHC. The balance of the Retainer paid to date for any period after the termination date shall be refunded to the HH.

7.6. For a period of twelve months following termination of the Agreement for any reason, the HH shall not engage, directly or indirectly, in any capacity whatsoever, any SEC who has been introduced by PHC

7.7. It is the responsibility of the HH to ensure that the standing order mandate is cancelled. Payments received for any period after the BA has terminated shall incur an administration charge of 15.00


8.1 All representations, rights and obligations entered into by HH/s are given or entered into jointly and severally. .

8.2 If any provision of this BA shall be found to be void, invalid or unenforceable, the remainder of this BA shall remain in full force and effect.

8.3. PHC reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions of this Agreement by informing the HH of changes by posting them to the Website not less than thirty (30) days before the changes are implemented.